DSP and SDR are very important for de hamradio operator. Different from analog technology, where one can see the components that define a radio, is SDR mostly a few chips with a lot of math calculations. Ofcourse, there’s still some analog hardware near the antenna and the loudspreaker and microphone, but that does not fully define the radio.
For a starter, here’s a presentation with an intro to DSP and SDR for a radio club to get some grips on those SDR’s that everybody is using. Very little math is demonstrated because most of the audience will leave the room or at least lose interest in your presentation if you do. Below you’ll find my presentation in Dutch. Demonstration using GNURadio will follow.
Presentation (in Dutch) in format: DSP en SDR voor de radioamateur versie dec 2024
GNU Radio Blocks explained in Dutch Language:
- QT GUI Frequency Sink
- Frequency Xlating FIR Filter
- Interpolating FIR Filter
- FFT Filter
- Power Squelch
- Rational Resampler
- Hilbert Block
- more to come
(Some nice reading about DSP including some math: here)
Below several GNU Radio trials. Click on the picture for full screen view.